New posts in kerbal-space-program

How should I approach Jool to make best use of my fuel?

When should I start a trans-munar or trans-minmus injection burn?

How does the career mode change when you have unlocked the entire tech tree?

What are the altitudes for the various altitude record contracts?

Why has my Command Module's orbit not decayed?

When visiting an extraterrestrial moon, is it typically most efficient to fly straight into the moon's orbit then do a capture burn?

Why do I lose control of my ship near the Mun?

For a contract, I landed an asteroid on Kerbin, but it doesn't think the vessel landed. Is this fixable? (Pic attached)

How do I extend landing gear?

Does orbital rendezvous require six degrees of freedom?

Get SAS working on a probe in KSP 0.90?

Do I have to buy Kerbal Space Program 1.0 even if I already purchased KSP before the update?

Left shift doesn't work in KSP or other Unity games

Help me blow up a space station

Is it possible to collide planets?

Why are parachutes so useless?

Asteroids as portable gas stations?

How to tell scientist from pilot from engineer?

New Surface Outpost Contract - add on to an existing base?