New posts in jpa

How to force Hibernate to return dates as java.util.Date instead of Timestamp?

Testing an EJB with JUnit

How to enable LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE when looking up entities with Spring Data JPA?

Weblogic Error: Caused by: weblogic.transaction.internal.AppSetRollbackOnlyException: setRollbackOnly called on transaction

How to specify a JPA named parameter surrounded by wildcards?

StackOverflowError Springboot OneToMany BiDirectional Mapping

How do I do a "deep" fetch join in JPQL?

JPA Criteria Query API and order by two columns

JPA / JTA / @Transactional Spring annotation

Not supported for DML operations with JPA update query

JPA Query selecting only specific columns without using Criteria Query?

inverse=true in JPA annotations

JPQL: Receiving a Collection in a Constructor Expression

Difference between a "jta-datasource" and a " resource-local " datasource?

Limit number of results in JPQL

Hibernate JPA, MySQL and TinyInt(1) for Boolean instead of bit or char

Invalidating JPA EntityManager session

JPA (Hibernate) and custom table prefixes

What's the difference between PESSIMISTIC_READ and PESSIMISTIC_WRITE in JPA?

Use abstract super class as parameter for Spring data repository