New posts in jpa

JPA, How to use the same class (entity) to map different tables?

Connection with MySql is being aborted automatically. How to configure Connector/J properly?

How to set default boolean value in JPA

JPA/Criteria API - Like & equal problem

Error in Entity Mapping in SpringBoot JPA. Entities are creating but foreign_key is not added

How to use multiple JOIN FETCH in one JPQL query

Eclipse does not recognize content of persistence.xml

JPQL Like Case Insensitive

Adding entity classes dynamically at runtime

What's new in Hibernate ORM 5?

JPA - How to set string column to varchar(max) in DDL

JPA Criteria API with multiple parameters

On CollectionLoadContext#cleanup, localLoadingCollectionKeys contained [3] entries

How to map a map JSON column to Java Object with JPA

Schema-validation: missing table [hibernate_sequences]

How to beautifully update a JPA entity in Spring Data?

Difference between @MapKey, @MapKeyColumn and @MapKeyJoinColumn in JPA and Hibernate

PersistenceUnit vs PersistenceContext

Spring Data JPA and Querydsl to fetch subset of columns using bean/constructor projection

What is the exact meaning of the JPA @Entity annotation?