New posts in entity

Symfony 2.0 getting service inside entity

symfony2 Catchable Fatal Error: Object of class could not be converted to string

When to use Entity and when DTO?

How to write out HTML entity name ( , <, >, etc)

SQL JPA - Multiple columns as primary key

getting the response body of HttpResponse

Java entity - why do I need an empty constructor?

nuget retrieving package metadata

what to use, managed beans (backing beans) or entity beans?

Configure JPA to let PostgreSQL generate the primary key value

JPA, How to use the same class (entity) to map different tables?

What's the difference between entity and class?

Entity Framework and Multi threading

What is the exact meaning of the JPA @Entity annotation?

find out the differences between two java beans for version tracking

Entity Framework 4.1 InverseProperty Attribute and ForeignKey

How can I get my database to seed using Entity Framework CodeFirst?

DDD and MVC: Difference between 'Model' and 'Entity'

Instantiating a context in LINQ to Entities

Difference between Entity and DTO