New posts in java-8

Java 8 apply function to all elements of Stream without breaking stream chain

Close Java 8 Stream

Why does the Duration class not have 'toSeconds()' method?

Convert between LocalDate and XMLGregorianCalendar

Implementing two interfaces with two default methods of the same signature in Java 8

Can program developed with Java 8 be run on Java 7?

Java Casting: Java 11 throws LambdaConversionException while 1.8 does not

Possibility to explicit remove Serialization support for a lambda

A better approach to handling exceptions in a functional way

Sorting by property in Java 8 stream

Lazy field initialization with lambdas

Why can't we call Thread#sleep() directly inside a Lambda function?

How to set format of string for java.time.Instant using objectMapper?

Android Studio - supplied javaHome is not a valid folder

Iterator versus Stream of Java 8

How to calculate the number of days in a period?

How to use JDK without JRE in Java 11 [duplicate]

Should I use Java8/Guava Optional for every method that may return null?

Why do Consumers accept lambdas with statement bodies but not expression bodies?

Collectors.groupingBy doesn't accept null keys