Android Studio - supplied javaHome is not a valid folder

I decided to update my JDK to Java 8, and installed to the default location of C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0 with a jre subdirectory.

I wasn't sure how Android Studio worked out the JDK location, so I decided to launch it and see. I got the following message:

Failed to complete Gradle execution.

Cause: Supplied javaHome is not a valid folder. You supplied: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45

I updated my JAVA_HOME environment variable (both for system and user) to point to the new path, and tried adding it to my PATH variable as well, but every time I attempt to build in Android Studio I get the same message. The quoted path is nowhere to be found in my environment variables though, so where is it getting it from and how can I change it?


The problem was my project's JDK location. From the Android Studio Project tool window, I right clicked on the root directory, selected 'module settings', and set the JDK location. Everything's fine now.

Try to delete all .iml files and .idea, and re-import the project from Gradle. Worked for me (provided you have everything else set up).

This error happens when you switch from Intellij to Android Studio, or the other way around, and load the same project. Looks like their project model is not compatible.

I don't know why or how this problem occurred but this answer got me over the hump. On macOS rm -rf ~/.gradle to wipe out the cache then restart Android Studio. I tried everything else up to and including reinstalling the JDK and Android Studio. Wiping out the .gradle directory is the only thing that worked.

For Android Studio 1.1.0, after right-clicking on the project:
Select Open Module Settings
Select SDK Location at top left
Type text into JDK Location: box

I ran into the same issue. My jdk was upgraded from a 1.8.0_172 to 1.8.0_202. And I kept getting the mentioned error although I changed to the right jdk, in the module configurations. What confused me was the fact that the API version was stamped with the old *_172 version in the dropdown of available project sdk's. I found the reason for this to be an old obsolete entry in the dropdown that referenced the old *172. After deleting this entry, the APi versions was magically stamped with the new version.

Java versions

Note to self: Remember to sanitize your projects when new versions come along