Testing for instanceof using Jasmine

Jasmine >=3.5.0

Jasmine provides the toBeInstanceOf matcher.

it("matches any value", () => {

Jasmine >2.3.0

To check if something is an instanceof [Object] Jasmine provides jasmine.any:

it("matches any value", function() {

I do prefer the more readable/intuitive (in my opinion) use with the instanceof operator.

class Parent {}
class Child extends Parent {}

let c = new Child();

expect(c instanceof Child).toBeTruthy();
expect(c instanceof Parent).toBeTruthy();

For the sake of completeness you can also use the prototype constructor property in some cases.


// ...

BEWARE that this won't work if you need to check whether an object inherited from another or not.

class Parent {}
class Child extends Parent {}

let c = new Child();

console.log(c.constructor === Child); // prints "true"
console.log(c.constructor === Parent); // prints "false"

If you need inheritance support definitely use the instanceof operator or the jasmine.any() function like Roger suggested.

Object.prototype.constructor reference.