New posts in java-8

What does the -> <- operator do?

long timestamp to LocalDateTime

How to persist JSR-310 types with Spring Data JPA?

How to convert from Instant to LocalDate

LocalDateTime remove the milliseconds

Why is StringBuilder#append(int) faster in Java 7 than in Java 8?

Recursive ConcurrentHashMap.computeIfAbsent() call never terminates. Bug or "feature"?

How to convert an Optional<T> into a Stream<T>?

How to dynamically do filtering in Java 8?

Java build issues - Java 8 to Java 11 migration

Java 8 CompletableFuture.allOf(...) with Collection or List [duplicate]

Why does this Java 8 program not compile?

Precise definition of "functional interface" in Java 8

how to set ANDROID_SDK_ROOT manually in windows

Why are Java 8 lambdas invoked using invokedynamic?

CompletableFuture recoverWith equivalent? i.e. exceptionally but return CompletableFuture<U>

What kind of List<E> does Collectors.toList() return?

Java 8 date-time: get start of day from ZonedDateTime

Java8 Lambdas and Exceptions

Why does \R behave differently in regular expressions between Java 8 and Java 9?