New posts in iterm

iTerm ZSH - Missing Right Prompt

Difference between tmux and shell split options on iTerm2?

iTerm2 runs my .zshrc twice

Read iTerm2 last session output history

iTerm in a mode I'm not familiar with. How do I get it back to normal mode

Create New Tab Sessions with the same working Directory

Do I need to buy Growl in order to use the iterm2 growl feature?

iTerm: How to make options (e.g. -r) after filenames work?

How to add icons to iTerm2?

update_terminal_cwd demystified please?

What do the different colors of the tab title in iTerm2 mean?

Open a NEW WINDOW in CHROME in INCOGNITO Mode from terminal with specified URLS

iTerm2 error notification ‘Couldn't log to 2020…’

How to create a hotkey for opening a new iTerm2 window?

Why ALT+. (last parameter) does not work in Bash?

Iterate over an array of image sizes, and move them to a new folder

iTerm2 does not take the focus with the hotkey window

How to uninstall iTerm form the mac?

Opening a specific page on Mac Preview from Terminal

Why is the width of `~` different than `➜` on iTerm2 when using zsh with spaceship-prompt?