Why is the width of `~` different than `➜` on iTerm2 when using zsh with spaceship-prompt?


Using iTerm2. Installed zsh, spaceship-prompt and FiraCode.

Why is the width of ~ different than ?

Ok, found what’s going on... SPACESHIP_CHAR_SYMBOL is set to (Heavy Round-Tipped Rightwards Arrow, unicode U+279C) by default vs (Rightwards Arrow, unicode U+2192) which has the right width. PR in the making.

Submitted a PR to spaceship-prompt.

Prompt is defined on the shell variable $PS1

try echo $PS1 and you will see its definition. Change it by editing ~/.zshrc if you want.

About the width, it is because the font used on your terminal is not a monospaced font. Choose any monospaced, or fixed-size font, if you want all character to be the same width.