New posts in ios-appstore

Do I need a credit card on file to get free apps?

iphone app now is Pending Contract will it be removed from the itunes store? [closed]

App Store download/installation status?

iPhone App Store: can I install free apps using Face ID instead of my Apple ID password?

Invoice for purchases made on App Store

How do I get a refund on an iOS app I just bought?

Apple App Store submission review time vs update time

Free iOS app in Pending Contract

Is there a way to detect caching servers?

Can't install apps from App Store on iPhone with iOS 7 [closed]

Is there a procedure to report a buggy iOS app in the app store?

What's the meaning/use of ?mt=8 and ?mt=12 in iTunes Preview and Mac App Store Preview URLs?

Why are Payments from Apple to New Zealand and Australian bank accounts wire transfers?

How to remove apps from the "Purchased" list in the Mac OSX App Store?

Can iTunes ignore store credit and use a credit card instead?

How do I read developer responses to my app reviews?

Why does apple require a review for beta testing?

How to not sync apps to iTunes 11

How is a large, spread out company supposed to work with the iOS Developer Program?

Can't update apps in iOS App Store; can only Open