Free iOS app in Pending Contract
I recently renewed my iOS developer membership and noticed that my free app, which has been available in the store for a year, is now in Pending Contract status. There is no information whatsoever of what conditions have changed and what I need to renew/enter/accept. Note that my app is free, so I shouldn't need to enter bank details, tax information, etc.
On the Agreements, Tax, and Banking page I can see that the "iOS Free Applications" contract has expired but there is no button to renew it. Has this type of contract been discontinued? Do I really have to enter my bank details and tax number even for a free app?
Solution 1:
I found the solution:
My Apps -> Click on on the app -> Pricing
Choose the Price Tier and dates and Save. The status of the app immediately changes from Pending Contract to Ready for Sale.
Still not clear why I had to redo it.