Starting Preview without opening previous PostScript documents

Do you want to disable the App re-open the documents when you launch the App? So, you can go to "System Preferences" > "General" and enable the "close windows when quitting and app" option.

To amplify what Nelson said above, here are the full list of steps which worked for me on OSX 10.10.2:

Quit Preview if it’s running.

Hold down the option key and select Go ▹ Library from the Finder menu bar. From the Library folder, delete the following items, if they exist:




      Saved Application State/

Log out and log back in. Launch the application and test.

Credit to Linc Davis, on this page.

OSX 10.10

When you want to quit first close (hit the red circle) on all the windows/documents that the app has open. Then Quit the app.

I have several windows/documents (in textedit) that I leave open when I quit, so they will open when I reopen the app, it works with most OSX 10.10 apps. I use them as a sort of note pad, NOTE: if the system crashes you could loose the data if they have not been saved at some time.

You can do a Finder search for and find the files you need to remove:

From Terminal, you can go to
~/Library/Saved\ Application\ State/

There you can remove the window_*.data files that include your previously open file list.

You can also remove windows.plist and that gets rid of all of them.

This worked for a colleague: you can type alt/optcmdW when opening Preview, then quit an re-open.