New posts in intel

Lenovo ThinkPad 11e Randomly Freezes on Ubuntu 16.04

What are performance and efficiency cores in Intel's 12th Generation Alder lake CPU Line?

Intel e1000e Ethernet not working

intel_powerclamp: Start/Stop forced idle injection

How to remove Intel's Open Source Technology Center Driver?

How reinstall the default graphics drivers?

Laptop CPU+GPU overheating after update to 18.04 LTS

Is there an easy way to enable S3TC on Intel graphics?

Intel processor can use the 64-bit AMD version? [duplicate]

What is the proper OpenGL initialisation on Intel HD 3000?

using correct number of DIMMS for best memory performance Intel Xeon scalable cpu

Difference between Intel-VT and AMD-V

Intel screen tearing - Ubuntu 18.04

Is there a compiler hint for GCC to force branch prediction to always go a certain way?

16.04: How to get the recommended intel-microcode package to fix hyper-threading issue?

IOAT enabled but not being used with Linux?

Is there a 64bit version of ubuntu for intel CPUs? [duplicate]

Intel I219 Experiencing HUGE Package Loss

CPU Turbo boost: modify temperature limit under 14.04

xserver-xorg-video-intel not installed