How to remove Intel's Open Source Technology Center Driver?
Solution 1:
All right. I have a history of answering my own questions, and here goes again:
Thanks to Saurav Kumar, I had another look at the second link I put in my question. Here's what you gotta do in Ubuntu 13.04:
Open the terminal and create a new file:
gksudo gedit /etc/apt/preferences.d/intel-removal
Copy+paste the following contents (MAKE SURE THAT THERE ARE NO TABS, SPACES OR INDENTS BEFORE ANY LINES, and replace raring with your own release):
Package: *
Pin: release a=raring*
Pin-Priority: 1001
Package: *
Pin: origin
Pin-Priority: -100
Save the file and close gedit.
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
In my case, this simply downgraded and removed some packages. I cannot guarantee what it will do on your system, because I'm a noob like that. So run at your own leisure, but don't blame me if things go wrong.
Now the cleaning up bit:
sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/intel-removal
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/intellinuxgraphics.list*
sudo apt-get update
Followed by removing the actual drivers (i915-3.9-3.8-dkms WILL be different depending on your version of Ubuntu):
sudo apt-get purge i915-3.9-3.8-dkms intel-linux-graphics-installer
sudo apt-get autoremove
Reboot, et voilà, we're done. Thanks to the author of the below blog post and Saurav Kumar.