How do I get my USB keyboard to not freeze up in the recovery menu? [closed]

Solution 1:

I had the same issue and finally got it resolved. I had to unplug all my usb devices besides the keyboard (maybe there was just one that caused the issue, but I didn't want to try all possibilities). I also had to add 'acpi=off nohz=off' to my boot line in grub (hit 'e' in grub while the recovery mode is selected to change the boot line).

Solution 2:

I had the same issue today, and with Johannes' answer was able to solve it - unplugging all USB devices except the keyboard worked.

Note though - when I first tried adding the suggested 'acpi=off nohz=off' to the boot line in grub, the keyboard was still non-responsive in recovery mode.

Trying again but NOT adding 'acpi=off nohz=off' did work.

Also, tried various combinations of USB devices (mouse, keyboard, external USB HD, ext USB hub on monitor), and the only combination that worked was "keyboard only".

Also tried adding/removing devices when the Recovery Menu was 'frozen' and it displayed alerts that devices were added or removed (always device 2 though).