How to run logkeys

Solution 1:

Add this command to startup application so logkeys will be started automatically during every startup..

Goto-->System-->Preferences-->Startup Applications

alt text

In startup applications preferences click add,it will give you a windows with Name,Command and Comments..

In Name field you can give any name and in Command field type logkeys --start and click save.

Before that you want to specify output location for your log.In terminal type touch test.log and then type this logkeys --start --output test.log to stop logkeys type logkeys --kill in terminal.

Solution 2:

Logkeys quick setup:

  • Get Logkeys from GoogleCode project spot:

  • Unarchive Logkeys:

    gunzip logkeys-0.1.1a.tar.gz 
    tar xvf logkeys-0.1.1a.tar 
  • Build up Logkeys:

    cd logkeys-0.1.1a/
    sudo make installl

In case of ./configure failure, run:

sudo apt-get install build-essential

Now, it's important to have the current keyboard map file. You can download the keyboard map files at:

  • After downloading the keyboard map file that you need, you can set up logkeys:

    sudo logkeys -s -m /home/XYZ/Downloads/ -o /home/XYZ/loggy.log

    Where -s starts the logkeys deamon, -m is the path for the keyboard map file and -o the log output file. Logkeys should now begin to dump the capture keystrokes to the defined log file (human readable).

  • To stop logkeys:

    sudo logkeys -k
  • For auto start at boot time:

    sudo vim /etc/init.d/rc.local

    and add this to the bottom of the file:

    /usr/local/bin/logkeys -s -m /home/XYZ/Downloads/ -o /home/XYZ/loggy.log &

If desired, reboot your linux box to check the auto start entry at rc.local

sudo reboot now

And you are done! Props.