New posts in html5

Disable Video Buffering in Firefox

Cannot play neither IE10 HTML5 video nor Modern UI apps video

HTML video tag not showing on source of some websites

Is it possible to run Windows 8 apps in Ubuntu?

Change from html5 media players to VLC

How to encode video to use HTML 5 video tag? [closed]

Is there any way to select the sound device for HTML5 audio playback?

High CPU usage when watching youtube videos (HTML5)?

Can I run bash commands from an Ubuntu HTML5 App?

YouTube videos black, only audio in Firefox

How to use shift+alt+arrow-down for copy the selected lines just under the selected lines in Visual Studio Code

Site that can store your videos and give you a .mp4 link [closed]

Mixed Content and I can't find the probelm

HTML5 multi touch events from touch screen

How do I make h.264 work on YouTube on Firefox on Windows 7 64 bit?

HTML5 live broadcasting

Videos freeze in fullscreen mode in Chrome and Firefox

How can I prevent Chrome from preloading HTML5 audio and video contents?

Opera - your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available

Command line to convert OGV to MP4 video files