Mixed Content and I can't find the probelm

Solution 1:

You can use your browser's network inspector to see what's sent securely or not. In this case the browser tries to get a favicon for your page via https://www.english-the-easy-way.com/favicon.ico but is redirected.

Here's a screenshot of Firefox's network inspector. See how the marked line does not have a green padlock against it.

enter image description here

The network inspector in Firefox is part of the Web developer tools. Other browsers have similar capabilities.

Solution 2:

If the page does not link to a custom favicon URL using <link rel=icon>, most browsers will try to retrieve it from the default location /favicon.ico instead.

In your case, https://www.english-the-easy-way.com/favicon.ico returns a 302 redirect to the plain-HTTP version of your website.

> GET /favicon.ico HTTP/2
> Host: www.english-the-easy-way.com

< HTTP/2 302 
< location: http://www.english-the-easy-way.com

(In fact it looks like any requests for nonexistent files return the same 302 redirect instead of a normal 404 error. That's probably not a good idea.)