How to get the difference between two dates rounded to hours

I'll illustrate what I would like to get in the following example:

'2010-09-01 03:00:00' - '2010-09-01 00:10:00'

Using TIMEDIFF(), we get 2 as a result. This means, it's not considering the 50 minutes left.

In this case, what I'd like to get is: 50 (minutes) / 60 = 0.83 period. Therefore, the result should be 2.83 and not 2.

Solution 1:

select time_to_sec(timediff('2010-09-01 03:00:00', '2010-09-01 00:10:00' )) / 3600;

| time_to_sec(timediff('2010-09-01 03:00:00', '2010-09-01 00:10:00' )) / 3600 |
|                                                                      2.8333 | 

Solution 2:

I think a more complete answer is

select time_format(timediff(onedateinstring,anotherdateinstring),'%H:%i:%s')

This allows you to see the hours, minutes, seconds, etc. that you wish to see in the format you want...

More information on time_format:

Solution 3:

Use TIMESTAMPDIFF for exact number of hours :

      TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, b.`Start_Date`, b.`End_Date`) AS `HOURS` 
FROM my_table b;

Solution 4:

You could try the following:

time_format(timediff(max(l.fecha), min(l.fecha) ),'%H:%m') //Hora y minutos

Solution 5:

Its a very old thread, but you can also try TIMESTAMPDIFF and give MINUTE, HOUR, SECONDS as the qualifier.