New posts in hotkeys

Hotkey (or similar) to quickly switch to a monospace font ("teletype") in either LibreOffice or Microsoft Office

Fix my Print Screen button (Windows 10)

Is there a way to unhook a global hotkey in windows?

Debug in Rider studio. Step into not working

Clicking on a selected link without using the mouse, using Firefox

How to bind an action if no dialog is open?

Hotkey for insert equation to word 2010

How to assign multiple hotkeys to the same action?

Windows 8 on ASUS notebook, brightness down does not work

How do you send Ctrl+Alt+Delete to Windows in VMWare Player

Use trackball to scroll, zoom, etc

Alternative to setpoint that allows key configuration profiles for multiple mice?

Why can't I switch between workbooks in Excel 2010 using ALT-TAB?

Changing the Mod key in Awesome WM

Global hotkey to show/hide a specific app in OS X? [duplicate]

TextWrangler: hotkeys to move line up/down

Disable (unbind) default Win+Arrows hotkeys to make them usable in other applications

Customizable Shortcuts in Java Application

Shortcuts to move windows across multiple screens in Gnome

Delete Global Hotkey [duplicate]