Why can't I switch between workbooks in Excel 2010 using ALT-TAB?
When using Windows 7 and Excel 2010, I found that I was suddenly no longer able to switch between workbooks using the keyboard accelerator ALT-TAB, although I could use ALT-TAB to switch between multiple windows opened in the same workbook. Any suggestions?
Solution 1:
I found the answer on another site,
- In Excel Options -> Advanced -> Display -> Uncheck "Show all windows in the Taskbar",
- Click "OK" to close the menu.
- Then go back and select it again (check the option) and click "OK".
Now all windows are available for Alt+Tab again
Solution 2:
On more modern versions of Excel, you use Ctrl + Tab rather than Alt + Tab to switch between workbooks.
Solution 3:
I was searching for a solution to get back the old Alt-Tab functionality when working with Microsoft Excel under Windows 10. By default, if you wish to switch between two separate Excel files with Alt-Tab you need to press Alt and then twice Tab. This new feature was a pain for me.
The first solution is to use the Registry workaround as mentioned here: http://winaero.com/blog/how-to-get-the-old-alt-tab-dialog-in-windows-10/. That does the job.
However, I found a more elagant solution if you would like to keep the new look of Alt-Tab (i.e. visual previews of the open programs). Create the following easy Autohotkey script:
[SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#IfWinActive, Microsoft Excel
LAlt & Tab::
Send, {Alt Down}{Tab}{Tab}{Alt Up}
Put it in the Windows autostart and it works like a charm!!