New posts in host

Subdomain on another host (another IP, another provider)

Cisco ASA 5505 :: Techniques for limiting consumed hosts (max 10 with base license)

How redirect a domain to Amazon EC2 Machine?

mount.cifs: mount error(112): Host is down

Docker - Timezones in containers not same as on host

Workstation virtualization on workstation host

Is there a way to handle host restart for CRON task if the restart frequency is extremely low about once-twice per year?

What are some behaviors/patterns that indicate that a host is degrading?

How do i reference redirected host drives in a remote desktop session

Ubuntu 12.04 Netinstall URL? Xen Host

Android USB host read from device

When 'dig' returns a single A record, the IP address changes between calls. What is this a sign of?

Apache Virtual Host Config www vs non-www, Rewrite or sServerAlias?

How to use Django to get the name for the host server?

Share folders from the host Mac OS to a guest Linux system in VirtualBox [closed]

Why do dig, host and nslookup return different results?

Why is a host sever location displayed differently?

DC in Hyper-V VM after reboot is not working

Linux/Unix - /etc/sudoers - host definition

postfix doesn't work after iptables set up