New posts in highlighting

Search and Highlight in jQuery

Is there any way to highlight multiple searches in (g)Vim?

Android - Keep ListView's item highlighted once one has been clicked

Highlight all occurrences of a word in Github's Atom text editor

VBA: Change highlight color (RGB not wbColor) with keyboard shorcut (MS Word 2013)

Setting up multiple highlight rules in vim

IntelliJ: How to auto-highlight variables like in Eclipse

Highlighting a search term without moving the cursor

Custom gedit Syntax Highlighting for Dummies?

How to stop highlighting of a div element when double-clicking

Highlights subString in the TableCell(s) which is using for JTable filetering

How to change highlighted occurrences color in Eclipse's sidebar?

How do I quickly circle part of an image to highlight it in Photoshop as I would in Paint?

How do I extract highlighted text only from PDF files in Adobe Acrobat Pro version 9?

Remove VIM search highlight

Change CSS of selected text using Javascript

Highlighting Strings in JavaFX TextArea

Notepad++: Rule based line highlighting

How to make HTML Text unselectable [duplicate]

Pipe to less but keep the highlighting