New posts in graphics

What is the radius of the windows on BigSur?

Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig ubuntu 12.04

Intel graphic ppa error after apt-get update

NVIDIA drivers installed but not available in Additional Drivers

Trouble installing Ubuntu 16.04 since I got GTX 1070 [duplicate]

finder search not showing thumbnails

How to install sane graphics drivers for Nvidia Optimus hardware on *Ubuntu 16.04?

Random temporary screen lags since upgrade to 18.04

How reinstall the default graphics drivers?

opengl: glFlush() vs. glFinish()

MacBook Pro screen glitches after fall

How do I reliably get the file name of the current background picture? [duplicate]

Correct nvidia+intel graphics setup in 14.04

Install nvidia-smi on OSX

Local reverse/duplicate image search for Mac?

correcting fisheye distortion programmatically

Switch between Intel/AMD GPU on 18.04

Is there an easy way to enable S3TC on Intel graphics?

How do I get EGL and OpenGLES libraries for Ubuntu running on VirtualBox?

Does Ubuntu Like my PC's Drivers?