Trouble installing Ubuntu 16.04 since I got GTX 1070 [duplicate]

Solution 1:

There is a compiled driver that already supports GTX 1070, which is 367.

I didn't know about the nomodeset command,so what I did is just use my integrated graphics to boot up into Ubuntu and install the latest driver that supports GTX 1070 (which is 367) from the graphics-driver PPA. Do not install the latest driver from the Nvidia's website because it won't install the 32 bit drivers and causes some application fails to start, such as Steam.

After you booted up into Ubuntu using your integrated graphics or using the nomodeset, install the drivers from PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nvidia-367

and after that reboot your machine, now you can start using your GTX 1070/1080. You can read my full write up.

Solution 2:

I have faced this issue with the same graphic card and finally I have solved the problem :)

Don't forget to disable the "secure boot" option in BIOS.

The first of all , you need to include in your boot the nomodeset parameter. In this topic How do I set 'nomodeset' after I've already installed Ubuntu? is explained how to include the nomodeset.

After that and hopefully , you will be able to boot and start your X but you have to install the new brand drivers for NVIDIA ( the compiled ones in the repository didn't worked for me, I guess that aren't enough updated )

Follow the instructions to install (remove X (init3 will do the trick) , execute the downloaded file and follow instructions). Reboot.

I also had another problem and I hope that you don't have to face it but I was able to login in my session but not icons appears.

The problem is explained in Ubuntu 14.04 - No Unity in user account, but in guest account

And the solution that worked for me was :