finder search not showing thumbnails

When I search filenames of images in Finder, using the box in the upper right corner, the result does not display the thumbnails, see attachment where I searched for 2015.
Otherwise the thumbnails display normally. I have already deleted in Library/Preferences and relaunched Finder and in "Show View Options" Cmd ⌘ J the show icon preview box is ticked. In "Show View Options" I also modified the Icon Size, Grid Spacing and Text Size without success.

enter image description here

The images are associated to be opened by Preview in Get Info->Open with:. I do not have DropBox installed.
I am running MAC OS Mojave.
Do you have any other suggestion ?

Solution 1:

Check your view prefs Cmd ⌘ J within the search itself.

It's possible to have the icon preview switched on for the folder you are about to search, yet off in the search itself. Each is remembered separately.

enter image description here

enter image description here