New posts in gnome-terminal

Gnome-terminal tabs: no contrast between active and inactive tabs

copy and paste doesn't work in terminal

Set Ctrl+Alt+T to open a maximized terminal

Remove ugly fat bazel from gnome-terminal with multiple-tabs

Is there any way to keep text passed to head, tail, less, etc. to be colored?

Open gnome terminal programmatically and execute commands after bashrc was executed

Write command in one terminal, see result on other one

How do I reset the colors of my terminal?

Is there an alternative to gnome-terminal?

Ubuntu 18.04 Terminal F10 function key conflict with htop

How to switch between tabs opened in gnome-terminal and also close any particular tab using shortcut key?

ZSH is not launched while opening a new terminal with `gnome-terminal`

Ubuntu 15.04 fresh install: Can't rename gnome-terminal tabs

how can I open a extra console and run a program in it with one command?

Why does pasting sometimes not work in gnome-terminal?

What is the maximum length of command line arguments in gnome-terminal?

Terminal not opening up after upgrading python to 3.7 [duplicate]

How to change default terminal application in Gnome-Shell

How to kill htop if I can't use F10?

`Read-only file system` error using tab completion, and terminal window closing randomly