Ubuntu 15.04 fresh install: Can't rename gnome-terminal tabs

In Ubuntu 14.10, if I had multiple Terminal Tabs open, I could right-click a Terminal tab and rename it. In Ubuntu 15.04 I can't find this feature.

Is there a easy way to get it back?

This is the current version:

$ gnome-terminal --version
GNOME Terminal 3.14.2

Solution 1:

The .bashrc solution proposed by Kirby worked for me:


then from my prompt: $ set-title test-title

Solution 2:

Answered here

I quote:

The user title code was removed1 from gnome-terminal 3.14. There's only one way to set the title, using an escape sequence - e.g. with bash:


1: see gnome bug 724110 and gnome bug 740188.

Solution 3:

I can't believe they removed such a user friendly feature like this one.

I'm switching to ROXTerm (http://roxterm.sourceforge.net), which does the job nicely. It's packaged in Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install roxterm

Then, let the dinosaur continue its own way ;-)

Solution 4:

I've tried RoxTerm as suggested above, with good results. But I settled on MATE Terminal, which is part of the MATE Project, a continuation of Gnome 2, on 15.04:

sudo apt-get install mate-terminal

That terminal is based on the Gnome Terminal code.

Commentary: It's hard to understand the mindset of the Gnome Terminal devs. There's a lot of discussion over there about "how" to name terminal tabs, and how it's difficult to get right. If that's the case, why make it harder for the user to name them? Not very smart at all.