New posts in github

How to update git version from GitHub Desktop on Windows

How to push new (rewritten) history to remote repository

Git: How to make outer repository and embedded repository work as common/standalone repository?

Change ssh ControlPath with host-specific declaration

How do I push to a pull request on github?

different username for commit and github interaction

How to properly commit in repository with Github Pages branch

Elegant solution to prevent force push on master only

change github account mac command line

Finding total contributions of a user from Github API

Github enterprise - remote: Password authentication is not available for Git operations

How to password protect Hugo site / SSG site?

How to fix a permission denied (publickey) error for a git submodule update in the Github Travis CI build?

The images on my GitHub page are not loading

cannot pull Git remote repository from Sourcetree

Travis Could not authorize build request

How can I make a second fork of a GitHub project?

how to make pull requests *without* a github account?

Visual Studio: How to create project from existing GitHub repository?

How to install R package from private repo using devtools install_github?