New posts in geometry

Maximum area of rectangle with fixed perimeter.

Relations between curvature and area of simple closed plane curves.

Can a sphere be considered the limit of a regular polyhedron with infinite faces?

Closest point on a cubic Bezier curve?

Is there a pythagorean triple such that all angles of the corresponding triangle are simple fractions of $\pi$?

Incircle Excircle problem of a triangle

A challenging geometry proof?

Maximizing an angle based on certain constraints

Local existence of parallel vector field

Finding the vectorial expression for the mutual slant of two cones with a common vertex

What will be a circle look like considering this distance function?

What's the measure of the segment $PC$ in the pentagon below?

Does a line have 2 degrees of freedom or 1 degree of freedom?

What's the measure of the $\angle x$ in the figure below?

Why isn't the volume of a sphere $ π^2r^3?$

Does there exist a tool to construct a perfect sine wave?

How do I create a circle or square with just CSS - with a hollow center?

Is there an easy and fast way of checking if a polygon is self-intersecting?

geometric center of points located on a regular polygon

What is the maximum volume of $N$-D slice of an $M$-D hypercube?