New posts in generics

Why can't I assign a List<Derived> to a List<Base>?

How to update an object in a List<> in C#

Generic wildcard types should not be used in return parameters

Why isn't ArrayList marked [Obsolete]?

Why should I care that Java doesn't have reified generics?

How to get the generic type at runtime?

Generic extending class AND implements interface in Kotlin

Cannot explicitly specialize a generic function

Why can't I pass a Protocol.Type to a generic T.Type parameter?

How to call generic method with a given Type object? [duplicate]

Using a 'using alias = class' with generic types? [duplicate]

Why can this generic method with a bound return any type?

Check if 'T' inherits or implements a class/interface

Instantiating object of type parameter

How to get different output from function using if Bool.random() within generic struct in Swift?

Console.WriteLine and generic List

Optional generic type

What's the difference between <?> and <? extends Object> in Java Generics?

Can I use nested generics (aka higher kinded types) in Java?

Help with C# generics error - "The type 'T' must be a non-nullable value type"