Why should I care that Java doesn't have reified generics?

Solution 1:

The thing that most commonly bites me is the inability to take advantage of multiple dispatch across multiple generic types. The following isn't possible and there are many cases where it would be the best solution:

public void my_method(List<String> input) { ... }
public void my_method(List<Integer> input) { ... }

Solution 2:

From the few times that I came across this "need", it ultimately boils down to this construct:

public class Foo<T> {

    private T t;

    public Foo() {
        this.t = new T(); // Help?


This does work in C# assuming that T has a default constructor. You can even get the runtime type by typeof(T) and get the constructors by Type.GetConstructor().

The common Java solution would be to pass the Class<T> as argument.

public class Foo<T> {

    private T t;

    public Foo(Class<T> cls) throws Exception {
        this.t = cls.newInstance();


(it does not necessarily need to be passed as constructor argument, as a method argument is also fine, the above is just an example, also the try-catch is omitted for brevity)

For all other generic type constructs, the actual type can easily be resolved with a bit help of reflection. The below Q&A illustrate the use cases and possibilities:

  • Get generic type of java.util.List
  • How to get the generic type at runtime?
  • Get actual type of generic type argument on abstract superclass

Solution 3:

Type safety comes to mind. Downcasting to a parametrized type will always be unsafe without reified generics:

List<String> myFriends = new ArrayList();
getSession().put("friends", myFriends);
// later, elsewhere
List<Friend> myFriends = (List<Friend>) getSession().get("friends");
myFriends.add(new Friend("Bob")); // works like a charm!
// and so...
List<String> myFriends = (List<String>) getSession().get("friends");
for (String friend : myFriends) print(friend); // ClassCastException, wtf!? 

Also, abstractions would leak less - at least the ones which may be interested in runtime information about their type parameters. Today, if you need any kind of runtime information about the type of one of the generic parameters you have to pass its Class along as well. That way, your external interface depends on your implementation (whether you use RTTI about your parameters or not).

Solution 4:

You'd be able to create generic arrays in your code.

public <T> static void DoStuff() {
    T[] myArray = new T[42]; // No can do

Solution 5:

This is an old question, there are a ton of answers, but I think that the existing answers are off the mark.

"reified" just means real and usually just means the opposite of type erasure.

The big problem related to Java Generics:

  • This horrible boxing requirement and disconnect between primitives and reference types. This isn't directly related to reification or type erasure. C#/Scala fix this.
  • No self types. JavaFX 8 had to remove "builders" for this reason. Absolutely nothing to do with type erasure. Scala fixes this, not sure about C#.
  • No declaration side type variance. C# 4.0/Scala have this. Absolutely nothing to do with type erasure.
  • Can't overload void method(List<A> l) and method(List<B> l). This is due to type erasure but is extremely petty.
  • No support for runtime type reflection. This is the heart of type erasure. If you like super advanced compilers that verify and prove as much of your program logic at compile time, you should use reflection as little as possible and this type of type erasure shouldn't bother you. If you like more patchy, scripty, dynamic type programming and don't care so much about a compiler proving as much of your logic correct as possible, then you want better reflection and fixing type erasure is important.