Add an image in a specific position in the document (.docx)?

I use Python-docx to generate Microsoft Word document.The user want that when he write for eg: "Good Morning every body,This is my %(profile_img)s do you like it?" in a HTML field, i create a word document and i recuper the picture of the user from the database and i replace the key word %(profile_img)s by the picture of the user NOT at the END OF THE DOCUMENT. With Python-docx we use this instruction to add a picture:

document.add_picture('profile_img.png', width=Inches(1.25))

The picture is added to the document but the problem that it is added at the end of the document. Is it impossible to add a picture in a specific position in a microsoft word document with python? I've not found any answers to this in the net but have seen people asking the same elsewhere with no solution.

Thanks (note: I'm not a hugely experiance programmer and other than this awkward part the rest of my code will very basic)

Quoting the python-docx documentation:

The Document.add_picture() method adds a specified picture to the end of the document in a paragraph of its own. However, by digging a little deeper into the API you can place text on either side of the picture in its paragraph, or both.

When we "dig a little deeper", we discover the Run.add_picture() API.

Here is an example of its use:

from docx import Document
from docx.shared import Inches

document = Document()

p = document.add_paragraph()
r = p.add_run()
r.add_text('Good Morning every body,This is my ')
r.add_text(' do you like it?')'demo.docx')

well, I don't know if this will apply to you but here is what I've done to set an image in a specific spot to a docx document: I created a base docx document (template document). In this file, I've inserted some tables without borders, to be used as placeholders for images. When creating the document, first I open the template, and update the file creating the images inside the tables. So the code itself is not much different from your original code, the only difference is that I'm creating the paragraph and image inside a specific table.

from docx import Document
from docx.shared import Inches

doc = Document('addImage.docx')
tables = doc.tables
p = tables[0].rows[0].cells[0].add_paragraph()
r = p.add_run()
r.add_picture('resized.png',width=Inches(4.0), height=Inches(.7))
p = tables[1].rows[0].cells[0].add_paragraph()
r = p.add_run()
r.add_picture('teste.png',width=Inches(4.0), height=Inches(.7))'addImage.docx')