New posts in functor

Differences between functors and endofunctors

How to return a pure value from a impure method

Why does a js map on an array modify the original array?

How do functors work in haskell?

Fun with repeated fmap

Help with understanding a function object or functor in Java

An example of a Foldable which is not a Functor (or not Traversable)?

Sets, Functors and Eq confusion

Why use functors over functions?

Prolog maplist on inner term?

passing functor as function pointer

Why can't operator () of stateless functor be static?

Monads as adjunctions

Why should I use applicative functors in functional programming?

Why can't I define a function inside another function?

Why are Promises Monads?

Basic Functors in Haskell

Why do we have map, fmap and liftM?

Do we really need two overload for operator () in functor?

How do I get the argument types of a function pointer in a variadic template class?