New posts in functions

what is the difference between functor and function?

prove $x \mapsto x^2$ is continuous

What is the set-theoretic definition of a function?

Counting the Number of Closed Binary Operations That Are Commutative

Prove that the expression is a perfect square

A composite function problem

Is there a function whose inverse is exactly the reciprocal of the function, that is $f^{-1} = \frac{1}{f}$?

Notation for repeated application of function

What is the derivative of: $f(x)=x^{2x^{3x^{4x^{5x^{6x^{7x^{.{^{.^{.}}}}}}}}}}$?

$f(a)+f(-b)=0$ implies $f(-a)+f(b)=0$. Then $f$ is an odd function?

The domain for the function $A, B ⊆ X$, $A f B \iff A ∪ B=X$ and $A \cap B = ∅$

Proving that $f=\{(x^n,x): x \in \mathbb{R}\}$ is a function for positive odd integers $n$

How pathological can a convex function be?

Why does Newton's method work?

Relation between the roots of a function

Is it possible to describe the Collatz function in one formula?

What is that thing that keeps showing in papers on different fields?

About finding the function such that $f(xy)=f(x)f(y)-f(x+y)+1$ [duplicate]

Is there an intuitive way of visualising complex roots?

Injective and Surjective Functions