New posts in functions

Let $f: \Bbb R \to \Bbb R$ be a differentiable function such that $\sup_{x \in \Bbb R}|f'(x)| \lt \infty$. Then

Why are even/odd functions called even/odd?

Number of surjective functions from a set with $m$ elements onto a set with $n$ elements

Determining all the functions $f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ with the property $f\bigl(x-f(y)\bigr) f\bigl(f(x)+y\bigr)=x f(x) - y f(y)$ [closed]

What is the name for a function whose codomain and domain are equal?

Why the name 'FACTORIAL'?

Continuity of Popcorn Function (Thomae's Function)

Why is this famous proof of the chain rule called "technically incorrect" in this pdf? [duplicate]

Rubik's cube function

Inverse of a function's integral

Continuous on a set

Composition of a convex function and a convex decreasing function is quasi-concave

A function is uniformly differentiable if its derivative is uniformly continuous?

Example of a smooth 'step'-function that is constant below 0 and constant above 1

Discontinuities of a function whose graph is invariant under rotation by 90 degrees

About the convexity of the composition of two convex functions

function with two horizontal asymptotes and f'(0) = 0

Is a Bijection From a Group to Itself Automatically an Isomorphism If It Maps the Identity to Itself?

High School Advanced Functions: Clarifying log rules in a log equation - $\log(x^2) = 2$, Solve for x.

Increasing orthogonal functions