New posts in functional-equations

Functions with $\mathrm s(x)^n+ \mathrm c(x)^n \equiv 1$

$f\left(\frac{2z}{1+z^2}\right)=\left(1+z^2\right)f(z)$, solve $f$.

Prove that $f'$ exists for all $x$ in $R$ if $f(x+y)=f(x)f(y)$ and $f'(0)$ exists

Functions that satisfy $f(x+y)=f(x)f(y)$ and $f(1)=e$

A function satisfying $f \left ( \frac 1 {f(x)} \right ) = x$ [duplicate]

$f(a)-f(b)$ is rational iff $f(a-b) $ is rational

Find $f'(0)$ if $f(x)+f(2x)=x\space\space\forall x$

Riemann's thinking on symmetrizing the zeta functional equation

Find all the function that satisfy : $f\left(\frac{xf(y)}{2}\right)+f\left(\frac{yf(x)}{2}\right)=4xy$

Determine all functions $f(x)$ such that $f(f(x+y))=f(x)+f(y)$

Prove that if a particular function is measurable, then its image is a rect line [duplicate]

Find the integral $\int_{0}^{1} f(x)dx$ for $f(x)+f(1-{1\over x})=\arctan x\,,\quad \forall \,x\neq 0$.

How would I prove that this function is affine if $f(x+h)-f(x)=hf'(x)$?

Evaluating $f(x) f(x/2) f(x/4) f(x/8) \cdots$

What was this theorem called

How to find if this function is always zero?

Does there exist a nontrivial rational function which satisfies $f(f(f(f(x))))=x$?

Find all functions such that $f\left(x^2+y\right)=f(x)^2+\frac{f(xy)}{f(x)}$ in $\mathbb R^*$

Find all real polynomials $p(x)$ that satisfy $\sin( p(x) ) = p( \sin(x) )$

Decomposing an intensity spectrum as a superposition of blackbody spectra