New posts in ftl-faster-than-light

How long does cloaking take to recharge?

Do I have to complete the Clash of the Titans achievement in a single run?

Can Engi Med-bot Dispersal and Emergency Respirators together cancel health loss in vacuum?

Can you get the same achievement twice on Easy and Normal difficulty?

Avoiding missile damage early game

Can the Stealth Cruiser purchase shields?

Is there a way to change the window size?

Does ion weapon damage stack with cloaking and teleporter cooldowns?

Do defense drones shoot down missiles before or after a dodge check?

Damaging Piloting on Automated ships

How do nebulae beacons in normal sectors work?

When are sector sub-types determined?

How do shields affect beam weapons which don't deal damage?

Is it possible to get the Zoltan Shield/Engi Med bot dispersal etc through random encounters?

Do engines require their extra power bars to be powered to influence FTL recharge rate?

Can systems be replaced once all rooms are occupied?

Is there any benefit to choosing the "do nothing" options in an encounter?

Can enemy ships have Augments?

What are the effects of playing on Easy?

Teleporting back to the ship