Teleporting back to the ship

Solution 1:

To teleport your crew members back:

  1. Make sure your teleporter is active (after using it to teleport crew members over, it will take a while for it to reset and be usable again).
  2. Make sure the crew members you are trying to teleport are standing in a room, not entering or leaving it. (If they're busy fighting someone that's fine) .
  3. Click on the bottom of the two teleportation icons.
  4. Click on the room in the enemy ship which holds your crew members.

Solution 2:

To teleport your crew back you must wait for the teleporter to recharge, then click the return button (there are 2 buttons for the teleporter, the return button is the one you didn't use to send them in), then click on a room on the enemy ship that has your guys. I believe they need to be in the same room to all be recalled, but I've never tried to test what would happen to the rest of the team if they weren't.

Keep in mind that if the enemy ship flees or blows up while your crew are on it, they will be lost forever.