New posts in ftl-faster-than-light

What are the the different crew member bonuses?

Which rooms can fit 4 people?

Why would you ever attempt to outrun a ship before or during a fight? (should you always take a blue option)

Which systems give the most blue options for events?

What is the point of putting a Rock on the comm with the Mantis?

How do I view the achievements for a particular ship while in game?

How do I deal with hacking drones?

What are the easiest ways to deal with AI ships when playing as the Mantis Cruiser?

Do multiple statis pods result in multiple Crystals?

Can you kill a enemy in the med bay?

Can I have multiple Saves?

Is the Burst Laser I superior to the Dual Lasers?

How do systems take damage from Beam weapons?

How to transfer my ships to a new computer?

What is the signifigance of Drones being recognized as life forms?

Does the choice of ship affect difficulty?

How do you get rid of boarders in FTL? [duplicate]

Are there any defences against bomb weapons?

Does difficulty matter for unlocking new ships? [duplicate]

How much faster do Humans learn skills?