New posts in folders

Encrypt folder on Mac without dmg file so that the contents can expand in size

How can I export a list of files within a volume or folder?

Weird folder setup in Big Sur compared to Mojave. Lots of questions

Am I supposed to have access to ""?

Can't move files or folders to some positions

Why are home folders in Mac OS X located in /Users, and not /home?

open folder with one click

What are the default permissions on the Applications folder in OS X supposed to be?

Safe to Delete Mobile Applications

How do I add music files to my iPhone without iTunes?

Badge count for number of items in a folder on the Dock?

If i send a folder via Apple Mail, will users on other platforms be able to open it?

How to add an existing smart folder to the sidebar

Why does Finder modify the date even if you've not changed anything in the folder?

Can two MacOSes share some users or home folders?

Move Documents folder to different drive

Mac folder which is Not Shared is shared and fully accessible from a Windows machine

Why does Mac OS overwrite whole folders rather than merging their contents?

How can I create custom right-click context menu items in macOS?

Does locking folders prevent .DS_Store being deleted in certain cases?