New posts in focus

Get currently focused element/control in a WPF window

How can I change focus when a game locks it?

Is there a way to keep applications in Mac OS X from stealing focus?

How do I set "focus follows mouse" in Ubuntu-Mate 20.04LTS?

Is it possible to change document.activeElement in JavaScript?

How to listen focus change in flutter?

How to scroll to an element in jQuery?

CSS Input field text color of inputted text

How do I make a newly opened file the active window on GNOME 3?

How to detect when a tab is focused or not in Chrome with Javascript?

Windows scroll without focus

Expand and give focus to SearchView automatically

How to set/change/remove focus style on a Button in C#?

KeyBinding in UserControl doesn't work when TextBox has the focus

Set Focus After Last Character in Text Box

Why does the task pictogram flashes instead of opening the program?

Set focus on div contenteditable element

Android ListView with Checkbox and all clickable [duplicate]

Raise a window in 20.04 by clicking without clicking any of the buttons inside it (disable "click-through")

Selecting text on focus using jQuery not working in Safari and Chrome