Set Focus After Last Character in Text Box

Solution 1:

This is the easy way to do it. If you're going backwards, just add $("#Prefix").val($("#Prefix").val()); after you set the focus

This is the more proper (cleaner) way:

function SetCaretAtEnd(elem) {
        var elemLen = elem.value.length;
        // For IE Only
        if (document.selection) {
            // Set focus
            // Use IE Ranges
            var oSel = document.selection.createRange();
            // Reset position to 0 & then set at end
            oSel.moveStart('character', -elemLen);
            oSel.moveStart('character', elemLen);
            oSel.moveEnd('character', 0);
        else if (elem.selectionStart || elem.selectionStart == '0') {
            // Firefox/Chrome
            elem.selectionStart = elemLen;
            elem.selectionEnd = elemLen;
        } // if
    } // SetCaretAtEnd()

Solution 2:

I tried lots of different solutions, the only one that worked for me was based on the solution by Chris G on this page (but with a slight modification).

I have turned it into a jQuery plugin for future use for anyone that needs it

    $.fn.setCursorToTextEnd = function() {
        var $initialVal = this.val();

example of usage:


Solution 3:

This works fine for me . [Ref: the very nice plug in by Gavin G]

    $.fn.focusTextToEnd = function(){
        var $thisVal = this.val();
        return this;
