New posts in finite-groups

Structure of a group, $G$, of order $pq$ where $p, q$ are prime. [duplicate]

Definition of $K$-conjugacy classes

Necessary and Sufficient conditions for $(i \, j)$ and $(1 \, 2 \, \dotsc \, n)$ generate $S_n$.

$\{5,15,25,35\}$ is a group under multiplication mod $40$

Does having a finite number of generators, each having finite order, imply that the group is finite?

How big must the union of a group's Sylow p-subgroups be?

Prove that there is no element of order $8$ in $SL(2,3)$

There are at most two prime numbers dividing $|G|$

Classify all groups with order $pq$, $p$ is not equal to $q$ [duplicate]

Generic elementary group theory problems.

Normal subgroups in groups of odd order

Increasing the efficiency of this subgroup algorithm

What are the symmetries of a colored rubiks cube?

Find all permutations that commute with $\omega$=(1 9 7 10 12 2 5)(4 11)(3 6 8) in $S_{12}$

Why is the minimum size of a generating set for a finite group at most $\log_2 n$?

Why this $\sigma \pi \sigma^{-1}$ keeps appearing in my group theory book? (cycle decomposition)

Part of simple proof of nontrivial center in p-group

A Gift Problem for the Year 2018 [duplicate]

Are there $n$ groups of order $n$ for some $n>1$?

Lower bounds on the number of elements in Sylow subgroups