New posts in finite-fields

Galois group of algebraic closure of a finite field

Sum of elements of a finite field

Finding a primitive element of a finite field

Is the image of $\Phi_n(x) \in \mathbb{Z}[x]$ in $\mathbb{F}_q[x]$ still a cyclotomic polynomial?

Family of sets with $|F_i| \equiv 2\pmod 3$ and $|F_i \cap F_j| \equiv 0 \pmod 3$

Show that if the field of $p^a$ elements is a subfield of the field of $p^b$ elements if and only if $a\vert b$.

Exponent of $GL(n,q)$.

Every Function in a Finite Field is a Polynomial Function

Universal binary operation and finite fields (ring)

Transition between field representation

Is the splitting field equal to the quotient $k[x]/(f(x))$ for finite fields?

Constructing Isomorphism between finite field

Explicit examples of infinitely many irreducible polynomials in k[x]

Irreducible factors for $x^q-x-a$ in $\mathbb{F}_p$.

How do you create projective plane out of a finite field?

On the order of elements of $\mathrm{GL}(2,q)$.

Factoring $X^{16}+X$ over $\mathbb{F}_2$

What are the fields with 4 elements? [closed]

Lack of understanding of the proof of the existence of an irreducible polynomial of any degree $n \geq 2$ in $\mathbb{Z}_p[x]$

Number of solutions of $x^2_1+\dots+x^2_n=0,$ $x_i\in \Bbb{F}_q.$