New posts in filevault

MacBook admin account password reset using Apple ID does not work

Do Apple laptops use FileVault encryption by default?

Turning File Vault on, and instantly upgrading to macOS Big Sur is not a problem?

What is the difference between FileVault 2 and Disk Utility Encryption?

How to disable the Guest account on OS X El Capitan

Does High Sierra erase FileVault key on hibernate?

How can I decrypt my HD?

What accounts for disk space discrepancy in Finder vs About This Mac? [duplicate]

How has it suddenly become so much faster to wake OS X from "safe sleep"?

Free up storage in macbook air [duplicate]

Canceled Mac OS Big Sur update still takes 8 GB of space [duplicate]

10.7 FileVault & TimeMachine

How do I change the login screen background in macOS Big Sur?

How do I change the FileVault login icon on OSX Lion?

Volume password challenge in Migration Assistant

Can't resize (FileVault) partition after Bootcamp removal

SSD boot drive does not work only on primary drive slot

Dual boot Linux and Lion on FileVault 2 disk

Mac OS X 10.10.5 - How can I encrypt only my home folder without Apple FileVault

FileVault: What exactly is the optimizing step about?