Mac OS X 10.10.5 - How can I encrypt only my home folder without Apple FileVault
I do this on my own Mac at home with scripts that run at boot and mount a Core Storage volume. I'm on 10.11.6
, but the same principles should apply.
To be clear, FileVault is much simpler, but it is possible to do what you ask. I went down a rabbit hole to get an encrypted $HOME
working, and so I still use it, but FileVault is superior in just about every way.
I wrote up an article detailing how I did this. I'd post the vital steps here, but it is a fairly long and involved process.
Here's the gist of it. You need to do the following:
- Format a USB drive
- Add a keyfile (max 1023 chars) to that drive
- Create a core storage volume somewhere
- Encrypt that core storage volume with your keyfile
- Migrate files to your new encrypted home
- Create a Launchd task that runs a mount script on boot
- Create that mount script.
- The mount script will read the keyfile from your USB drive
- The mount script will attempt to unlock your core storage volume using the contents of the keyfile
- The mount script must unmount the core storage volume from
- The mount script must mount the core storage volume to
- Unmount the USB drive so the keyfile isn't just sitting there
It took me a lot of trial and error.
There are probably ways to improve my steps like using an exported keychain rather than a plain text keyfile. You could probably also re-define the location of $HOME
for your user in System Preferences, but I opted to mount the encrypted home over the normal home so that the path would be standard.
I tried changing $HOME
, but I immediately noticed things like my iTunes library were messed up. All the library file references were stale and needed to be updated. That's an example of how screwing with $HOME
can get messy.
Really, FileVault would be way easier if you can get it going. If FileVault is not an option, you should check out VeraCrypt, which is a fork of TrueCrypt that was recently audited and seems legit.