New posts in field-theory

Fields - Proof that every multiple of zero equals zero

Does every non-Archimedean absolute value satisfy the ultrametric inequality?

Can a "generalized field" with three operations be infinite? [duplicate]

Can nonzero polynomials vanish identically?

Exception in the characterization of equality of quadratic extensions when the field is of characteristic $2$.

Examples of non-isomorphic fields with isomorphic group of units and additive group structure

Splitting field of a separable polynomial is separable

Fixed Field of Automorphisms of $k(x)$

The equation $-1 = x^2 + y^2$ in finite fields

Calculate the degree of the extension $[\mathbb{Q}(\cos(\frac{2\pi}{p})):\mathbb{Q}]$

Fundamental Theorem of Algebra for fields other than $\Bbb{C}$, or how much does the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra depend on topology and analysis?

Existence of irreducible polynomial of arbitrary degree over finite field without use of primitive element theorem?

Finding a fixed subfield of $\mathbb{Q}(t)$

Why are there so many universal properties in math?

How to show that a finite commutative ring without zero divisors is a field?

Every algebraic extension of a perfect field is separable and perfect

How does $\cos(2\pi/257)$ look like in real radicals?

Give an intuitive explanation for polynomial quotient ring, or polynomial ring mod kernel

Splitting field and Galois group of a polynomial

Existence of a group isomorphism between $(\mathbb K,+)$ and $(\mathbb K^\times,\cdot)$