New posts in field-theory

Deduce the degree of the extension $[\mathbb C:K]$ is countable and not finite

If $F/L$ is normal and $L/K$ is purely inseparable, then $F/K$ is normal

Exponential-like functions on fields other than $\mathbb R$

Recognizing when a tower of Galois extensions gives a Galois extension

Proving $\mathbb{F}_p/\langle f(x)\rangle$ with $f(x)$ irreducible of degree $n$ is a field with $p^n$ elements

Degree of the splitting field of $ x^3-5 $ over $\mathbb{Q}$

Polynomials $P(x)\in k[x]$ satisfying condition $P(x^2)=P(-x)P(x)$

$K/E$, $E/F$ are separable field extensions $\implies$ $K/F $ is separable

Galois group of $x^6-2$ over $\Bbb Q$

Field extension and irreducibility

Surjective exponentials for algebraically closed fields

Find the splitting field of $x^4+1$ over $\mathbb Q$.

Finite fields, existence of field of order $p^n$,proof help

Field that contains $(\mathbb{Z}/p^n\mathbb{Z})^*$

Show that $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt2, \sqrt[3]2)$ is a primitive field extension of $\mathbb{Q}$.

Complete ordered field is an Archimedean field that cannot be extended to an Archimedean field

Is $(\mathbb R^{+}, \oplus, \otimes)$ a field?

Surcomplex numbers and the largest algebraically closed field

Irreducibility of $x^n+px+p^2(n≧3)$ and newton polygon

Why is commutativity needed for polynomial evaluation to be a ring homomorphism?